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So, how did a nice bear like me end up on all these flights?

Well, it's a long and complicated story - I'll try to tell it for you.... 

Teddy bear department at TescoSo, once upon a time, there were three little bears (no, really...) sitting all lonely and alone in a supermarket in the North West of England.  We dreamed and talked of seeing the world outside, and tried our best to look cute and cuddly for the customers as they passed by our little shelf.

Then, one day, a man, who we will call Ken (because that happens to be his name) came in looking for a mascot for his upcoming birthday trip.  Of course, I knew nothing of this at the time, but I did my best to look extra fluffy, and, I was later told, somewhat more discerning than my less fortunate shelf-mates, and Ken picked me up, and whisked me off to places I hadn't even dreamed of (via the checkout, obviously).

I was named Willard Bear, after a character called "Willard Phule" that was created by the SF and Fantasy author Robert Asprin, in a series of books that started with "Phule's Company", and shows no sign of stopping after over 15 years.

Willard Phule is a relatively shy, retiring, Captain in the Space Legion, who's life is complicated by being a Mega-Millionaire and heir of the gigantic "Phule-proof Munitions" corporation. He is suave, immaculately dressed, and, though his attitudes are very down to earth, he also knows the value of traveling in style.  Together with his butler "Beeker", and his Dilithium Express card (mainly used by corporations to expedite the purchase of each other!) he takes on the worst that the Legion can throw at him, and firmly believes that no-one is beyond redemption.

With this illustrious namesake (with whom I like to think I share many qualities!) I helped my new companion (and his partner, Patricia) celebrate his 40th birthday with a whirlwind tour of Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore.  In these two weeks, I learnt that I was evidently born to fly (in First Class, naturally), see the world, and drink Champagne.

So popular were my travels, that I found my new public (that's you, dear readers) were not content with a one-off trip, and wanted to see more of my travels, and, I have to admit, I wanted to see more of the world!Checking in at Manchester Swiss desk

So, now you will quite possibly see me checking in at a local airport, or relaxing and sipping a glass of bubbly in the airport lounge, before I take off for yet another new destination!Checking in with Continental









Willard the Bear, coming soon to an Airport near you!

Willard on a Trolley at Heathrow

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