"The Fare is Not Enough" - Willards first trip "down under" 9
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To "The Fare is Not Enough" - Willards first trip "down under" 10

Willard takes a last look out of the window, but, alas, even 4 malt whiskies have failed to improve the view!

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As the cogniscenti no doubt already know, part of the LH F-Class service is that you are chaufeurred from the FCT to your plane individually in one of a fleet of executive limosines (in our case, a Mercedes S-Class). Willard settles in in the Wilard-sized seat that was thoughtfully provided by the Mercedes designers.

Willard is carried to the plane by our chauffeur, and his VIB treatment continues as he is handed over to the Purser at the threshold of our flight to Los Angeles.

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....and carried up the stairs to the upper deck of this 747-400, and seated with the first of many glasses of champagne for this flight. (note, Flyertalkers of a nervous disposition may wish to stop reading here!). Willard was, in fact, assigned seat 83K, one of the highly prized exit row seats in this upper deck configuration, which afford effectively unlimited legroom, and guarantee that you can get out of your window seat in flight, regardless of your seatmate. However, on boarding, he found his seat already occupied, and since the load was light, and the crew could confirm an empty seat next to him, Willard chose not to evict his fellow F-Class passenger from his seat, and instead took 82K, which is just as good as long as 82J is empty!. I realise that the denziens of the LH board would probably consider this close to heresy, but Willard is a bear who is willing to accomodate, as long as he is asked politely!

This seat swap does, of course, also afford Willard the additional luxury of an extra seat to spread out into....

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