"The Fare is Not Enough" - Willards first trip "down under" 7
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To "The Fare is Not Enough" - Willards first trip "down under" 8

Of course, if you want, you can sit at the bar and be served there! The bar boasts a huge collection of Whiskies (Single Malt, blended, Irish, American, Japanese and more) as well as a respectable collection of Cognacs, choice of four Champagnes and the usual collection of spirits and mixed drinks.

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But if you prefer to retire to the Smoking Room, the FCT offers a Cigar Lounge where Gentleman (and Lady) Bears can enjoy a selection of Cigars accompanied by yet more choices of Whisky, Cognac, Armangac and Grappa.

Willard peruses the small (but perfectly formed) exclusive Duty Free shop in the FCT, and manages to find one of his favorite (and hard to find) personal grooming products, so he can't resist a small purchase (he laso notes that they have the full catalogue for the main duty free stores, and will, presumably, obtain any item for you that isn't actually stocked in the FCT branch)

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Before you know it, it's lunch time! The lunch buffet has a reasonable selection, and the usual table service for drinks is offered. Willard thinks that the design and decor of the dining area is very good (indeed, probably the best lounge dining area he has experienced) but the actual presentation and execution of the food falls slightly below the standard set by the Haven restaurant in the CX F lounge in HKG. It's difficult to put a paw on, but probably that it isn't completely table service, and yet the buffet doesn't have the same "hand crafted" feeling that the Penninsula caterers have managed to create in the Wing. This is not to say that the actual quality of the food is anything but excellent.

And, so, by example, here is Willard partaking of a glass of Tattinger Rose' , and a selection of satay and thai-style spring rolls, as a starter - Yum!

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